

In 1969, the 75th Missouri General Assembly approved legislation to support individuals with developmental disabilities. The Senate Bill 40 authorized any county in Missouri to levy up to $0.20 per $100 in valuation property tax to support the legislation. 

In 1978, the Johnson County Commissioners appointed the first directors to the Johnson County Board of Directors to “establish, improve, and/or maintain a sheltered workshop, and/or residence facility, and/or related services for developmentally disabled or handicapped persons.” 

Traditionally we see ourselves as the “funder of last resort”, covering the costs of services, facilities, and equipment that are not paid by other sources such as Medicaid, the Department of Mental Health, the Department of Health, and Senior Services, or the First Steps program. By statute, we can only provide tax funds for services to citizens of Johnson County who are deemed eligible under the definition of developmental disability and in accordance with our own local policies. Funding Policies and Procedures are attached to the funding packet. 

Annually on the 1st of September, we accept applications for funding for the upcoming calendar year. All applications must be submitted by October 1st. Interested providers should visit our website in August for application instructions and our policies and procedures that cover funding. 

In addition to local funding, we can provide Targeted Case Management (Service Coordination) to eligible Johnson County residents. 

Funding Application

2025 JCBS SB 40 Funding Compendium Download

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