Case Management
Targeted Case Management
Case managers assist individuals determined eligible for services from the Missouri Division of Developmental Disabilities in accessing comprehensive medical, social, educational and other specialized services. Case managers are professionals who are trained in the field of mental health and/or closely related fields. Each individual who applies for services from the Division of DD is assigned a case manager who assists the person and his or her family to identify, locate, coordinate and monitor services that meet the individual’s distinct needs.
What Case Management Offers You:
- Time spent with you developing a working plan to address the identified supports needed.
- An active role in all aspects of services you receive.
- Referrals to community resources such as transportation, counseling, recreational groups, etc.
- Monitoring of services that you receive; to guarantee quality and the proper delivery.
- Assistance in completing paperwork.
- Creativity and flexibility of time and resources offered.
- Information in a timely manner.
- Accountability of services authorized and money allocated.
We are contracted through the Kansas City Regional Office (KCRO) and all individuals interested in services must complete KCRO’s intake process. To complete an intake, please call 816-889-3400. If you need assistance in completing this process, please complete our Family Navigation form. A person from our Community Resources and Outreach will be in contact with you.