Things We Fund

Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology

Tools, devices, or software designed to help individuals with disabilities perform tasks and improve their quality of life.
*Supportive documents may be required.
Adaptive Equipment

Adaptive Equipment

Devices designed to help individuals with disabilities perform everyday tasks more easily. Examples are specialized eating utensils, shower chairs, adaptive bicycles, walkers, canes, etc.
*Supportive documents may be required.
Camp Attendance

Camp Attendance

Throughout MO there are several summer camps created for individuals who have developmental disabilities.
The most popular camp is Wonderland Camp. We will pay up to $750 to help with camp costs.
Community Memberships

Community Memberships

Community memberships refer to memberships that grant individuals access to local facilities and services, such as gym memberships, community center passes, and similar resources that promote engagement and inclusion within the community.

Medical Equipment

Medical Equipment

Devices or tools used to manage, treat, or monitor health conditions associated with developmental disabilities. An example would be a monitor to alert caregivers about seizure activity.
*Supportive documents may be required.
Respite Reimbursement

Respite Reimbursement

We will reimburse up to $500 in respite care funding to help give caregivers temporary relief. This allows caregivers to take a break, recharge, while ensuring their loved one receives the necessary supports.

Specialized Nutrition

Specialized Nutrition

Tailored dietary products designed to meet unique nutritional needs with specific health conditions or disabilities.
Examples are special formulas, supplements, foods that address allergies, etc.
*Supportive documents may be required .
Specialized Therapies

Specialized Therapies

Targeted therapeutic services that address specific developmental, physical, or cognitive needs. Examples are Equine Therapy, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy. This can include copays for therapies. 

Assistive Technology

Sensory Items

Objects designed to stimulate the senses and promote relaxation, focus, or sensory exploration. Examples are sensory toys, weighted blankets, sensory swings, fidget toys, sound machines, lights, etc.

Educational Items

Educational Items

Tools, materials, or resources used to support learning and education.
Examples could be visual schedules, communication boards, adaptive books, and tactile learning materials.


We provide funding for transportation to support individuals in attending recreational or social events, medical appointments, therapy sessions, and community outings.
Before seeking our support, we ask that individuals explore all other available transportation options.
Other Supports

Other Supports

Our Foundation offers a miscellaneous category for ”other supports,” which we are willing to review. However, please note that we typically do not consider funding services outside of those directly related to the individual’s developmental disability. 

The Foundation serves as the payer of last resort, meaning that before requesting funding, individuals should explore options such as insurance, community resources, and Medicaid waivers. It’s important to note that all funding is dedicated exclusively to items and services directly supporting individuals with developmental disabilities. To be eligible for funding, individuals must be receiving services from Johnson County Board of Services (JCBS), and funding requests are made by our Targeted Case Managers.

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